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At you will get paid by visiting our sponsor's ads.

We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant purchase processing and referral renting. Our payout minimum is as low as $1.00
•••INSTANT payout for All members•••

Earn up to $0.015 per click
And up to $0.015 per referral click

As a member you have access to detailed statistics of your earnings and your referral's activity.
Upgraded members earn commission on Referral sign-ups for Advertisers

We offer competitively priced advertisement packages for your online campaigns. Paid member clicks are guaranteed and clicks from outside visitors are included in the price.

Members can click your ad once per 24 hours and their visit will last at least 25 seconds.

Choose from a variety of packages
Access detailed statistics of your campaign
Demographical targetting
Premium Only filter
Free outside visitor clicks
Advanced anti-cheat protection